Birthing A New You
Hello Mama ❤️
You are probably anticipating the birth of your new baby. You are probably wondering what your baby will smell and look like. You are probably just wondering. Throughout your wondering, you probably will forget to wonder about yourself. The you that will be rebirthed the very moment you give birth.
Let’s take a moment to talk to you. The birther. How are you? Are you feeling anxious? Are you feeling excited? Are you fearful of anything? Do you have your essentials? Are you prepared? Are you ready to love the new you?
Please take some time and sit with yourself. Are you prepared to love the new you? Now ask yourself, how can you love the new you? What are the ways you can remind yourself that you’re loved? That you’re valuable. That you’re essential. That you’re appreciated.
You’ll spend lots of time in the bathroom, whether changing your pads or trying to poop in the next few weeks. I want you to make your bathroom the time you intentionally stop to see yourself. I want you to spend time reminding yourself of the great vessel you are. I want you to spend this time with yourself. You deserve to give yourself time to love the new you. Thankfully there is a mirror in the bathroom. Stand in front of it and love on you. Tell yourself sweet things.
The new body on you. The new heart in you. The new routine you have. The new you needs to be recognized. The new you needs to be catered to.
So I’m going to give you this activity. Please write a letter to your new you and address all of you. In this letter, I want you to take the time to honor, love, and give grace to you. Write this letter as if you were addressing someone you love. Write this letter as if you were encouraging your best friend. Pour yourself out to the you that’s ahead because the you in front of you will need to receive it.
Now that you’ve written it. Tuck it somewhere in your bathroom close to your peri bottle! I promise you’ll need that. Keep it there. When you need it, you’ll find it and be able to show up for the new you that’s just ahead. Prepare for your postpartum journey. If you don’t know where to start, download our FREE POSTPARTUM ESSENTIALS GUIDE! It is a great start! Preparing for your mental health is vital. Take it seriously.
I want to leave you with this. You are amazing. Your body is incredible. Your body did not fail you. You didn’t fail you. You are learning. It’s okay that you’re not everything. It’s okay that things are taking longer than expected. It’s okay. Rest. You’re okay. Everything will be okay. It’s okay to rest. You’ve done well. Breathe in peace. Breathe out fear. I wish you all the best.
If you feel forgotten, know that we have not forgotten you. We see you, we love you, and we are here for you! Don't just prepare for the physical bleeding after delivering your baby. Prepare for the mental bleeding that is not always obvious, especially to those around you. Listen to your body. Trust your instinct.
Until next time, remember that you are loved!